Technical News

Coil Technology

Induction coil is made of durable, high strength, Oxygen-free copper tube. Active and cooling sections are wound with continuous single winding, with no division between sections. Segment are put between adjacent turns in a staggering way. The coil is very well insulated, the coil become a strong, complete solid body after applying a complete spray of  insulation paint. Coil is clamped and held by steel structure from top and bottom, so has a strong solid structure, no distortion problem will occur. Proper designed number of turns insures a good electrical efficiency. Multi-water paths supply the cooling water to the coil, flow is shared evenly between paths. The whole coil is wrapped tightly with insulation material outside. The segments betweens turns maintain a good, even gap between turns, and are overlapped to allow the moisture from lining to come out.

Completed coil winding is sand-blasted before applying insulation paint.

Coil winding is wound with continuous single OFHC tube, and uses excellent insulation technology and material.

Coil is clamped as a complete solid body without wood support, a long service life can be expected and insured.